CCSCT Provides Expert Insight at Regional Housing Summit
Community Council of South Central Texas Executive Director, Bobby Deike, was among a contributing panel of experts at the Alamo Area Regional Housing Summit held in Schertz, Texas on February 28, 2020. The summit, organized by the Alamo Area Council of Governments , UT Health McGovern Medical School-Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Texas Health and Human Services, and Money Follows the Person (MFP), brought together the Alamo Area (Public Health Region 8) to expand the availability and accessibility of affordable housing, enhance tenancy support services, and identify innovative regional solutions to address existing gaps and barriers to housing for vulnerable populations; such as, persons with serious mental illness, youth aging out of foster care, veterans, and aging and disabled populations.
The expert panel discussed issues on strategic planning session gaps and barriers, providing input on obstacles to affordable housing, opportunities for increased affordablehomes, and the factors impacting the development of those homes. The panel consisted of Sophia Checa, Director of Continuum Care Programs, Texas Homeless Network; Bobby Deike, Executive Director, CCSCT; William Glen, Housing Chair, National Alliance on Mental Illness San Antonio; and Christian Henricksen, J.D., Chief of Litigation, Bexar County District Attorney.
In addition, CCSCT staff in attendance participated in innovative breakout sessions focused on housing support service needs and opportunities, as well as sitting in on expert presentations regarding additional areas for improvement of affordable housing.
CCSCT would like to express gratitude to AACOG and organizing entities, for the opportunity to express the many ways CCSCT assists our most vulnerable populations to bridge out of poverty through strategic partnerships and innovative programs available in our 23 county service area.