What income guidelines are used to qualify applicants for Utility Assistance?
Which counties provide Utility Assistance?
What services does the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program provide?
How can I receive rental assistance?
Where can I find a CCSCT WIC Program location close to me?
How can I receive Weatherization Assistance services?
Which foods are ‘WIC approved’?
What services are provided by WIC?
What does Weatherization work include?
Who is eligible for WIC services?
Q: What happens at my WIC appointments?
A: Initial Appointment: Weight, height and iron screening will be performed at initial appointments for all applicants. A nutritionist will evaluate diet and health history to determine nutritional status and provide tips to be healthy and active.
Follow-up Appointments: You will join a group of WIC participants to discuss, share and learn about a variety of nutrition topics which can help you and your family stay healthy and active. Pregnant participants will visit a breastfeeding peer counselor at some appointment to discuss benefits and questions regarding breastfeeding.
Q: What income guidelines are used to qualify applicants for Utility Assistance?
A: The 150% Federal Poverty Guidelines are used to qualify applications for assistance.To view the income eligibility guidelines for the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program, click here.
To qualify for assistance, your household’s yearly income must be below or at 150% of federal poverty guidelines. Note: We count gross income for the last 30 days: SS, SSDI, SSDC, unemployment benefits, TANF, VA, pensions, proof of self-employment.
Q: Which counties provide Utility Assistance?
A: A complete listing is found on the Contact Us page, as well as on the Apply for Services page.
Q: What services does the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program provide?
A: The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) combines case management, education and financial assistance to help low-income consumers reduce their utility bills. Services include utility payment assistance, energy education and budget counseling.
CCSCT assigns priority to households with the least amount of income and the greatest energy costs. Priority is also given to individuals 60 years and over, persons with disabilities and families with children five years of age or under.
Utility Assistance Program: Payments to assist low-income households to reduce their home energy costs and are based on the previous 12 month billing cycle. Payment of six or eight months are based off the previous 12-month billing history. Low-income households with a priority member receive eight months of assistance up to their allocation limit. Households without a priority member receive six months of assistance up to their allocation limit. Allocation limits are:
- 0-50%=$1,200
- 51-75%=$1,100
- 75%-150%=$1,000
(Based on Percentage of Federal Poverty Guidelines)
Household Crisis Program: Provides Assistance with utility bills during extreme weather. A utility disconnection notice also constitutes an energy crisis with a limit of 2 times per year. This program also provides assistance when the National Weather Service declares a heat advisory for a county in one of the two proceeding days.
Atmos: Share The Warmth Program – Assists clients with their Atmos gas bill during the cold months.
Neighbor to Neighbor: Assists customers with CP&L, Direct Energy and First Choice Power with their utility bills up to $300.00 twice per year.
H2O Program: Assists customers of Southwest Water Company with $20.00 per month towards their water bill.
Q: How can I receive rental assistance?
A: If you are interested in applying for housing assistance, you must complete an application.
TBRA Application-English TBRA Application-Spanish
Applications can also be picked up at any Community Services office or at the Weatherization office located in Uvalde.
Once a completed application is received and eligibility has been determined, applicants will be placed on a wait list and called for an interview as funding becomes available.
Q: Where can I find a CCSCT WIC Program location close to me?
A: All locations are listed on the Contact Us page.
Q: How can I receive Weatherization Assistance services?
A: You may contact the Weatherization Office in Uvalde at 830-261-5514 to obtain an application for services.
If you are interested in applying for weatherization assistance, you must complete an application. Applications will NOT be processed unless all information is provided by client. Please use the checklist below to ensure that you have provided all of the required documents if they are applicable to your household.
Income documentation for the last 30 days is required for everyone who is 18 years or older.
All income must be dated within the last 30 (thirty) days from date on application.
- Employment Check Stubs
- Social Security Award Letter
- Workers Comp. Letter
- Disability Award Letter
- TANF Letter
- Pension Letter
- Retirement Letter
- Unemployment Printout
- Notarized Declaration of Income
- All Other Household Income except for income included here
- Name, General Information, and Date of Birth for Each Person Living in the Household
- Utility Bill
- Current Electric bill, including a 12 month billing and usage history
- Current Gas bill, including a 12 month billing and usage history
- Current Propane bill
- Landlord Agreement with signatures and date if residence is rented
- Completed Application Packet
- All attached forms complete with signature and date
All financial assistance is made based upon Federal Guidelines and Regulations of Poverty. All assistance is subject to the availability of funds.
Q: Which foods are ‘WIC approved’?
A: The following is a list of approved WIC foods:
- Whole Grains
- Milk
- Cheese
- Eggs
- Dried beans or canned beans
- Peanut butter
- 100% fruit juice
- Canned tuna and Salmon are for breastfeeding women who are not giving their babies formula.
- Infants who are not breastfed receive Iron-fortified infant formula, baby cereal and baby fruits and vegetables. (Baby meats are only given to exclusively breastfed infants.)
- Cereal
- Frozen fruits and vegetables or fresh fruit and vegetables
- Yogurt
Click here to view a complete list of WIC approved foods.
Q: What services are provided by WIC?
A: WIC provides one-on-one nutrition education during critical human growth cycles, USDA regulated and approved food benefits, breast feeding promotion, referrals to other community services and support programs.
Q: What does Weatherization work include?
A: Typical weatherization measures MAY include caulking, weather-stripping windows and doors; patching holes in the building envelope; adding ceiling, wall or floor insulation; sealing an AC duct system; tune-up, repair or replacement of inefficient heating and cooling systems; analyzing gas heating appliances for both efficiency and safety; performing tune-ups, modification or possible replacement; and analyzing indoor air quality to minimize chronic health conditions due to air pollutants.
Q: Who is eligible for WIC services?
A: Pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding a baby under 1 year of age, women who have had a baby in the past six months, parents, step-parents, guardians and foster parents of infants and children under the age of 5.
Infants and children can stay on the program until their 5th birthday and meet the income and nutrition needs. Women can stay on WIC if breastfeeding until one year after the baby is born. If not breastfeeding, until six months after the baby is born.